Oh, Purple Ronnie, that’s a reliable source, almost as good as Wikipeida! So what are your top five films?

Well, what films to do you like?

I can tell you my top five, Behind Enemy Lines, Leon, The pianist, Little Miss Sunshine and Monsters Inc!

Wow, that’s great, you’d be great on this show, the fact that you know your favourite films! I am so bored of asking someone what their favourite films are! I’ll be talking to my girlfriend and I’ll be like; “What’s your favourite films?” and she’ll say, “well I don’t really know, I live lots of films, I don’t really have a favourite” and I’ll be like; “Rubbish! You HAVE to have one favourite” and she accused me of having movie fascism.

But Ruth, come on, Owen Wilson in an action movie… what? I thought you’d pick something like Marley and Me, aww, isn’t the dog cute, it dies at the end by the way. I think there are loads of great Owen Wilson movies but he’s just not a great action star… did you see Behind Enemy Lines two?

Well, no, well sort of, I turned it off when that man got his hand nailed to the table… I couldn’t handle it.

You not into that? [FF: No, I’m not into that!] You didn’t watch the directors cut of The Pianist where he nails his hands to the keys? [FF: No….] oh, and the directors cut of Monsters Inc where Mike Wazowski kicks the shit out of… [FF: You’re Lying!] there’s a crucifix scene in Monsters Inc!

But your also a well known face on the music scene, which would you choose between music and films if you could only have one in your life?

Movies! Because movies have music in them… but if you’re listening to a song, I guess you could create mages in your head, and then if I had projectors for eyes I could project them onto a screen and make a bit of money!

That’s a great idea, I’ll take that out of the interview, copyright it and go on Dragon’s Den!

Well that would actually be a breach of our unwritten interview trust!

Okay, well finally, we ask everyone we interview to come up with a question for the next person we interview, and Liz McLarnon want’s to know, what was the first thing yo did when I woke up this morning?

I fed my cat a special diet of rice because she’s getting fat and it’s a weight reduction food.

And can you quickly come up with a question for the next person I interview please, it’s Louis Malloy, the tattooist.

Is it acceptable to tattoo an animal? Because the animal can’t say yes or no, but a pig might look good with a heart on it’s rump.

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison 

The second series of Alex Zane's Guest List presented by Alex Zane on Sky Movies Premiere/HD is currently airing on Thursday nights at 7.30pm.

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