'The Young and the Restless' star Jordi Vilasuso's baby girl is in the NICU for a partially collapsed lung.

Jordi Vilasuso's baby girl suffered a collapsed lung

Jordi Vilasuso's baby girl suffered a collapsed lung

The 42-year-old actor has asked for prayers as his newborn daughter Lucy - whom he has with wife Kaitlin Vilasuso - battles respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

Alongside a picture of the little one in an incubator, the couple - who also have Riley Grace, 10, and Everly Maeve, seven, together - wrote in a joint Instagram post: “We found out Monday that Lucy had RSV and by Monday night she had been admitted to the hospital w/ difficulty breathing.

“Last night, things unexpectedly took a turn for the worse and she was moved to NICU w/ what the doctors described as a partially collapsed right lung. I am still struggling to believe this as I type.”

They added: “Please please pray with us for miraculous healing for Lucy’s precious little body.

“We love her so much and just want her home and happy and in our arms.”

'Monster' actress Kaitlin, 37, also posted to her Instagram Stories alongside a picture of her older girls holding their father’s hand: "Thankful for family bedtime prayers for the first time since all of this happened..anxious to have the littlest hands in our circle back home (sic)"

The nasty infection is common in infants and can be severe in babies under 12 months.

Lucy was born 35 weeks early and is a rainbow baby after the couple suffered a devastating miscarriage.

Announcing her birth earlier this month, they wrote: “It is with overwhelming joy and the fullest of hearts that we welcome the answer to our prayers, our sweet Lucy Noelle. We have been waiting so long for you, little girl. You are something between a dream and a miracle.

“Thank you, beautiful friends and family, for the part you have played in this chapter. I wish I could say that it was a purely faith filled journey from our first loss until today, but the God’s honest truth is that knowing you were holding our family in your prayers was often what got us through. I know I’ve said it before, but we are truly forever grateful.

“And to anyone who sees these pictures and feels an ounce of hurt for your own hearts dream- please know that I will never not think about you as I post. I truly never thought this day would come- as evidenced by my complete lack of preparation for this little bundle.. I literally had not bought a thing. But this little girl in my arms is proof that God’s promises are greater than our fears, no matter how big those fears are. I see you, I have been you, I am praying for you. Hold onto your hope.

“We love each of you to the [moon emoji] .. and also, Riley and Evie are the best big sisters on the planet. (sic)”