Whitney Port felt judged by her fellow mothers for appearing on a reality television show.

Whitney Port

Whitney Port

The 34-year-old star found fame on 'The Hills' but has opened up about how she felt "bullied" by other moms when she went to an event.

She said: "I got pretty much the same reaction from each of them which was like, 'I really could not be bothered talking to you right now,' and they were trying to back out of the conversation as quickly as they possibly could. Specifically, these two people have never been super nice to me ... I think that a lot of these, especially, LA girls don't think it's cool. I don't know if they're embarrassed by me, or think I'm trashy or cheesy or whatever, but this is the vibe that I'm getting but it just does not make me feel good about myself.

"People think who they're associated with makes them cool. If I'm not cool enough for them because I was on a reality TV show then they're not going to try and be friends with me or be seen with me, it definitely hurts to feel like someone doesn't want to hang out with you or want to have a conversation with you, I take it personally."

And Whitney - who has Sonny with her husband Tim Rosenman - admits it "chipped away" at her self-esteem.

Speaking in a video posted to her YouTube account, she added: "I just feel like every little encounter like this where I can just physically feel them inching away from me just chips away at my self-esteem. It's, like, especially hard when you're a new mother and you really want to put yourself out there because this is the time to make life-long relationships. Am I just being so overly sensitive?"

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