Taylor Swift is supporting Pride Month by urging her senator to consider increased protections for the LGBTQ community.

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

The 29-year-old star took to Twitter to share a letter she wrote to Senator Lamar Alexander, from her home state of Tennessee, asking him to support the Equality Act, which would protect LGBTQ people from discrimination in the workplace, in their homes and in schools.

She wrote: "I'm writing to you today in anticipation of a very important vote coming up. As you know, the House just passed the Equality Act, which would protect LGBTQ people from discrimination in the workplace, in their homes and in schools. For American citizens to be denied jobs or housing based on who they love or how they identify, in my opinion is un-American and cruel.

"The refusal in our own State's legislature to protect LGBTQ people from discrimination has the serious potential to cripple us from bringing new jobs to Tennessee."

Taylor went on to blast US President Donald Trump, writing: "I personally reject this President's stance that his administration 'supports equal treatment of all,' but that the Equality Act, 'in its current form is filled with poison pills that threaten to determine parental and conscience rights.'

"No, one cannot take the position that one supports a community, while condemning it in the next breath as going against 'conscience' or 'parental rights'.

"That statement implies that there is something morally wrong with you being anything other than heterosexual or cisgender, which is an incredibly harmful letter to send to a nation full of healthy and loving families with same-sex, non-binary or transgender parents, sons or daughters.

"Please, please think about the lives you could change for the better if you were to vote to support the Equality Act in the Senate and prohibit this harsh and unfair discrimination."

Taylor also made a donation to the GLAAD advocacy group, of which she has been a longtime supporter.

GLAAD President Sarah Kate Ellis said: "Taylor Swift continues to use her platform to speak out against discrimination and create a world where everyone can live the life they love. GLAAD is so thankful for her donation to support our advocacy efforts and for her ongoing work to speak out for what is fair, just, and LGBTQ inclusive.

"In today's divisive political and cultural climate, we need more allies like Taylor, who send positive and uplifting messages to LGBTQ people everywhere."

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