Stephen Fry has received his first coronavirus vaccination at Westminster Abbey.

Stephen Fry (c) Twitter

Stephen Fry (c) Twitter

The 63-year-old actor has taken to Twitter to reveal he's been given his first dose of the vaccination at the world-famous church in central London.

Above a photo of himself receiving the jab, Stephen - who has more than 12 million followers on the micro-blogging platform - wrote: "Never felt a thing! Fancy the call to be jabbed sending me to Westminster Abbey of all spectacular places. Under the eye of the poets of Poets Corner and a dozen sleeping kings and queens… thank you #NHS staff and volunteers. Amazing work. Grateful to be armed against the enemy! (sic)"

Stephen recently discussed the challenge of managing his mental health amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The actor - who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder - revealed he's been trying to "forgive" himself for having bad days during the lockdown.

He explained: "I’ve tried to learn to forgive myself for days that aren’t good.

"You know, there are days when I get up and I just can’t bring myself to work or to make that phone call or wash that saucepan."

Stephen sometimes feels guilty about feeling sad during the lockdown.

He added: "I think, ‘Come on Stephen, what’s the matter with you? You’re so fortunate’. ‘You’ve got this nice house, you’ve got all these opportunities and so on, you’ve got nothing to complain about’."

Despite this, Stephen acknowledged that there's "no right or wrong way" to navigate through the health crisis.

He said: "Social media can be a nuisance here because you see how perfect the cakes are that other people bake. And how pretty and beautiful their gardens are. But actually, that’s the wrong thing to focus on."

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