Stacey Solomon's son Rex is to undergo an operation to correct his tongue tie.

Stacey Solomon and Rex
The six-month-old tot - whose father is TV star Joe Swash - will have surgery to fix the condition, which leaves him unable to eat solid foods.
Speaking on Monday's (16.12.19) episode of 'Loose Women', she explained: "Because he struggles to eat solid foods, they will cut it. Once they cut it, he will have free movement of his tongue and will be able to eat properly. I'm really looking forward to him having it done as it feels like questions have been answered."
The former 'X Factor' contestant also discussed how the condition makes him gag, regardless of what he eats.
Stacey said: "It's when the skin under your tongue is a lot fatter or tighter. It means they can't poke their tongue out.
"It also means that the roof of their mouth is a different shape, which means he'll gag whether something is smooth or rough because he is not used to things going to the back of his throat."
The 30-year-old singer, who has two other children, Zachary, 11, and Leighton, eight, also admitted that she was unable to breastfeed Rex as a result, something that she felt could have been prevented if she was given access to a specialist doctor.
Stacey said: "I couldn't breastfeed in the end, I tried every angle. It could have been avoided if we had had access to a specialist."
Stacey previously revealed that she had started feeding Rex formula milk, something that still gives her "a knot" in her stomach.
She also shared a serious of emotional Instagram videos where she discussed Rex's tongue tie.
One post was captioned with: "So, just met with the tongue tie specialist, and discovered Rex has tongue tie. I'm putting this on here because I can't tell you how many people have told me they experience similar breast feeding stories and I really don't want anyone to have to go through a similar experience which could have been totally avoided."
Tagged in Stacey Solomon