Stacey Solomon felt like she "failed" when she couldn't breastfeed.

Stacey Solomon
The 'Loose Women' panellist admits she was left feeling awful when she wasn't able to feed her son Rex naturally and struggled to tell people incase they thought she was a failure too.
She wrote: "So Lots of people have been asking me if I'm still breast feeding. It's taken me a bit of time to feel okay about saying no. I stopped a couple of months ago & I really struggled to come to terms with it & actually say it out loud. Breastfeeding never happened for me the way that I imagined. I did my best to try & master it, but it wasn't to be. On day 5 we ended up back in hospital because of weight loss & I ended up pumping in between feeds to make sure he put it back on so we could be discharged, then I continued this at home until he reached his birthweight.
"I then tried to switch to exclusive breastfeeding but whenever I did he lost weight again & It would break my heart to think that my own want to breastfeed was not helping my baby grow so I mix fed. As he got bigger his demand for milk got higher & my boobs couldn't keep up the supply. By the time I did two full days back at work without him on the boob or pumping my milk dried up & before I knew it my breastfeeding journey was over. I felt sad for quite some time, every time he rooted my gut ached. I felt like I'd failed & that I'd lost the chance to have that special time & bond with Rex. I felt like everyone else was going to feed him & I'd loose my baby. (sic)"
And the 30-year-old television presenter knows she did her "absolute best" and says that is the most important part of it.
She added: "I felt like I should have done more to master it in the first 24 hours & I should have done more research & asked for help. But as time has gone on, I've realised the truth. The truth is, I did my absolute best. Every baby is different. I'm so lucky I have a few wonderful breastfeeding memories & some women don't get that chance. I have an extremely special bond with Rex, one that would be there wether I breastfed or not. (sic)"
Tagged in Stacey Solomon