Florence Pugh has suffered "anxiety" because of social media.

Florence Pugh's relationship with social media has changed

Florence Pugh's relationship with social media has changed

The 27-year-old actress - who has more than eight million followers on Instagram - admits that her relationship with social media has changed over recent years.

Asked how her use of social media has evolved, Florence explained: "The more follows you get, the more aware you are of what it is that you’re saying. Not that I say a lot of bad stuff, but not everybody understands who you are when they start following you.

"I noticed this with 'Little Women'. I suddenly got all of these followers when the movie came out, and prior to that, I’d been my own person on Instagram, doing my own stupid videos, and everybody that had been following me for how many years understood that.

"Then you get this new wave of people coming in who don’t like the way that you are - suddenly you’re not just owning an account for yourself, you’re owning an account for millions of people."

Florence has recently become more thoughtful about what she puts on social media.

The Hollywood actress - who starred in 'Don't Worry Darling' in 2022 - has even deleted Instagram from her phone due to the "stress" it's caused her.

Florence told Vanity Fair magazine's Hollywood issue: "You have to say the right thing, you have to post the right thing, you have to be all of the above. It does become more of a stress than it used to be.

"If my head and heart are hurting for no other reason other than just anxiety, I take it off my phone from the moment I can feel that anxiety. I don’t need to be reading all of that stuff, and I don’t need to be egging myself on to read it either.

"My relationship with social media has become more understanding of when it helps me and when it doesn’t - being okay to just take it off for a few days, or a week, or a month."

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