Siva Kaneswaran

Siva Kaneswaran

Siva Kaneswaran is getting married next year.

The former Wanted singer and his fiancée Nareesha McCaffrey, who he proposed to last December, are planning to tie the knot in a ceremony in Europe.

Speaking to the MailOnline, he said: "With everything going on this year we are both so busy. So we will get married next year, probably in Europe."

The 25-year-old hunk is keen to incorporate a 'Star Wars' theme into his big day but insists he'll let Nareesha, whom he has been dating for six years, choose her own style of wedding dress.

He explained: "She wants to look like a princess and is more interested in a 'Cinderella' type of wedding which is perfectly fine and understandable. I would never make her wear a slave dress."

The couple moved from the UK to the US earlier this year and are currently focusing on finding a house and settling into life in Los Angeles.

He said: "This is an exciting journey for us. It's a new stage. We love being outdoors and in the sun, being active. It's a good place for us."

Meanwhile, Siva believes their relationship works so well because he's with the "perfect woman."

He added: "She is compassionate, nice, tough, independent, loving, hot. She has good morals and she is a very good cook. That is a very important thing. She makes an excellent curry."

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