Shay Mitchell's emotions have been "up and down" since giving birth to her daughter.

Shay Mitchell

Shay Mitchell

The 32-year-old actress - who has a four-month-old daughter called Atlas - is thankful for the help she's received from her boyfriend Matte Babel and the rest of her "support system" since becoming a mother for the first time.

Shay told Us Weekly: "I feel like definitely having the support system around you [helps].

"Because I think especially having a newborn, you're going up and down with your emotions and dealing with all new things that I've never had to deal with before."

Shay was outspoken on the issue of her pre-partum depression before giving birth.

And the actress feels lucky to have such a supportive group of people around her at the moment.

The 'Pretty Little Liars' star said: "It's all the unknown is what I call it. So having a good group of friends and people around you who have either been through it, or can just be an ear to listen to all of your thoughts, and stories of what's been going on [is key].

"But you know, I have a really, really good support team and so I've been really fortunate with that."

Shay also revealed that motherhood has helped her to develop new friendships.

She explained: "My best friend had a baby a year before me, so it was really fresh in her mind, everything that I was going through.

"But then even new friends that I've met on social media who was pregnant at the same time, now we've become friends."

Meanwhile, Shay previously expressed confusion over why pre-partum depression isn't more widely discussed.

She said: "I think it's really interesting that pre-partum depression or feelings of isolation in pregnancy are not more vastly discussed.

"Feeling that I was alone in my depression compounded my state of mind, but [I] have found since sharing the news publicly that many women feel as I did."

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