Shay Mitchell's newborn daughter punches her boobs when she wants milk.

Shay Mitchell

Shay Mitchell

The 'Pretty Little Liars' star can't believe how "feisty" seven-week-old Atlas - whom she has with her partner Matte Babel - is already and finds it "terrifying" when she "pounds" her chest because she's taking too long to whip her breasts out for a feed.

Speaking to about her breastfeeding journey, Shay said: "Maybe when she gets teeth and she starts biting [it might get tough]. But up until this point, she doesn't have teeth and we're doing well.

"Everybody has their own kind of journey with motherhood, with breastfeeding ... this is what works for us right now and it's nice. Just waking up, having her next to me when we go to sleep, is such a fun thing.

"She is a little feisty one because even when there was nothing, she would just be like, 'Weh,' and then when she comes for the boob she has this face that's scary. It was the funniest thing, but it was also terrifying.

"I'm enjoying this phase right now without the teeth. She gets aggressive and she'll hit my boob like, 'Mama, get it out,' and she'll look up and I'm like, 'Whoa, okay, it's coming, relax.' If I don't go fast enough, she pounds it and looks up."

And, although Atlas is still really young, Shay can't see her or Matte in her yet.

The 32-year-old actress explained: "She doesn't really look like her dad or me yet. She's her own person and that's kind of fun.

"But her personality, she's super happy, super talkative."

But it hasn't hit the brunette beauty properly that she's a mother yet.

She said: "It's been the best thing ever but it still hasn't hit me yet. It didn't even hit me when I was pregnant and it hasn't hit me even now. It's just the most surreal feeling and wonderful experience ever."

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