Shay Mitchell was worried she was losing her baby when she went into labour.

Shay Mitchell

Shay Mitchell

The 'Pretty Little Liars' star - who suffered a miscarriage last year - was terrified that something was wrong with her daughter when her waters broke because she began experiencing excruciating pain, similar to when she lost her first child, and then realised that she hadn't felt the little one move around very much recently.

Speaking in her YouTube video, the 32-year-old actress said: "The last time I felt pain like this was not a good experience.

"I feel a little worried because I haven't felt the baby move lately."

However, doctors swiftly put her mind at ease when they put the doppler ultrasound on her bump and heard a nice, steady, heartbeat.

After being in labour for 13 hours, Shay decided to take pitocin, a drug which can help strengthen contractions, because she wanted to get things moving faster.

Her doula explained: "Pitocin is used to make a labor move faster. The physical experience with the labour is completely different because the pitocin labour is pretty rough. She's having a really hard time, she's struggling."

Shay eventually decided to have an epidural - an injection in the back to stop pain in part of the body - even though she and her partner Matte Babel had decided against it earlier on in her pregnancy due to the possible complications.

Her doula said: "Shay's water has been broken for 30 hours how, which increases the risk of infection. We are really trying to avoid a caesarean and doing everything that we can to help the labour progress."

However, three hours later, the brunette beauty was finally 10 centimetres dilated.

Shay announced the arrival of her daughter on Instagram on Monday (21.10.19).

Alongside a picture of her hand holding onto the newborn's tiny fingers, she wrote: "Never letting go..."

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