Shay Mitchell has confirmed she is having a daughter after enlisting the help of two Power Rangers in an unusual gender reveal.

Shay Mitchell
The 32-year-old actress is expecting her first child with long-term boyfriend Matte Babel, and the pair were shocked to discover she is pregnant with a girl after two of their pals had a play fight dressed as pink and blue Power Rangers, and the Pink Ranger won.
Sharing the unusual gender reveal in a video on her YouTube channel, Shay said before the grapple: "I truly think I am having boy because, ugh, just the retribution of having a girl. My parents would just look at me and be like, 'It's karma bitch.' It's a boy."
The pair then called their loved ones to do a short poll about what their family and friends thought they were having, and six voted for girl, while only two went for boy.
As they sat down ready for the reveal the Blue Ranger appeared and the pair thought that meant they were having a son, only for a Pink Ranger to appear seconds later, and they began having a play fight.
At one point both Power Rangers fell into the swimming pool and then struggled with their masks.
A panicked Shay said: "They can't breathe!"
The Pink Ranger then had to take her mask off before continuing the play fight, and she eventually prevailed before heading over to where Shay and Matte were sitting to congratulate them.
Afterwards, Matte said: "I really thought it was a f***ing boy."
Shay added: "I thought it was a boy for the longest time. Obviously I'm super happy. It's crazy, everybody was right."
The 'Pretty Little Liars' star recently admitted it had been "hard" to keep her pregnancy a secret.
She said: "When you're in the public eye, there are some things you want to just keep a secret until you feel ready. This, for me, has been the hardest. It's going to be really fun and awesome when I'm not trying to hide it anymore. I didn't want to come out on social media so early on. I'm going to be so happy when this comes out. I can be pregnant, like not suck my stomach in."
Tagged in Shay Mitchell