Shailene Woodley is helping to save the oceans alongside Greenpeace.

Shailene Woodley
The 27-year-old actress joined the environmental charity on part of their year-long expedition to the Sargasso Sea this summer, which is one of the bodies of water that is most vulnerable to "corporate and government attack".
Shailene is campaigning to help protect 30 percent of the world's oceans by 2030, after witnessing firsthand the "deep trouble" they are facing.
Writing in an article for Time magazine, the 'Divergent' star said: "Our seas are in deep, deep trouble. They house an extraordinarily diverse eco-system of marine life, and are crucial to the well being of land-based ecosystems. And as of this moment, they may as well be the Wild West for corporations and governments to pillage as they please.
"Enter Greenpeace, the worlds largest independently funded environmental NGO. As part of the worldwide initiative to protect 30 percent of the worlds oceans by 2030, Greenpeace set sail this summer on their largest vessel, the Esperanza, to explore the bodies of water most vulnerable to corporate and governmental attack.
"I was asked to join a leg of their year-long expedition this summer. We would be traveling through the Sargasso Sea, a place I had never heard of before ... I was also weary because as a proper millennial with cynical views on real accountability and because I have seen too many influencers with the promise of change, I had been left to wonder many times what real change they had been able to accomplish."
After visiting the Sargasso Sea with her friend Emory Hall, the 'Adrift' actress decided to keep following Greenpeace's mission until 2020, when the United Nations has to make a decision on what to do about the oceans.
She added: "I decided to join alongside my photographer friend Emory Hall, with the understanding that we would be following this mission through until the UN had made their final decision in the spring of 2020. We would not let the exposure and publicity garnered come and go as quickly as most 'activist' hype does."
Shailene then asked her fans to help "convince the UN to protect our seas", as she believes it is vital for the "human race".
She wrote: "We have until March of 2020 to convince the UN to protect our seas. If all of you who read this change your lifestyles just a tiny bit, if you put pressure on the right corporations and politicians, and if we all continue to find a little more space in our hearts for kindness, we may just be able to sway our global leaders to conserve 30 percent of our oceans by 2030, and in turn, continue the evolution of the human race."
Tagged in Shailene Woodley