Rita Ora

Rita Ora

Rita Ora has insisted she feels no "pressure" to look her best, which means she enjoys "dressing up" without caring what people think.

Rita Ora explained she doesn't feel any "pressure" to look her best, and she is glad she's so comfortable no matter what people might think.

"I love dressing up. It's so much fun especially when you do it without all the pressure, because you can't really go wrong in my opinion.

"You just go with what you like. That's what I do ... I've always been dressing up and I don't really think about what people might think ... I just honestly love the process of it. It's good fun." she told E! News

Meanwhile, Rita is expanding her horizons with a role in 'Fifty Shades of Grey' and she is still trying to get used the "hype" surrounding the upcoming blockbuster adaptation of E.L. James' novel.

She admitted: "I'm still coming to terms with the fact that I'm surrounded by the whole hype around it.

"It's going to be such an amazing feeling when it does come out...I'm just honestly sitting back before the storm hits. I just can't wait, you know what I mean?"

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