Piers Morgan has branded David Beckham "the world's greatest living attention-seeker".

Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan

The 50-year-old TV personality became embroiled in an online spat with the retired soccer star after he blasted critics of Piers' favourite team, Arsenal.

Beckham commented on an Instagram picture of Arsenal fans calling for the sacking of their manager Arsene Wenger, saying: "Disgraceful ... No respect attention seekers."

But Piers, a long-time critic of the Arsenal boss, was quick to respond to David, writing on Twitter: "Says the world's greatest living attention-seeker. Shut it, Mr Beckham."

Piers then took aim at David and his wife Victoria, accusing them of making insincere gestures in a bid to boost their public standing.

He said: "Hmmm, methinks everything the Beckhams do is primarily designed to promote Brand Beckham... (sic)"

Despite this, Piers insisted he has no axe to grind with the former England soccer captain.

He said: "I neither like nor dislike him. Just find Brand Beckham very cynical & very tiresome. (sic)"

Meanwhile, Piers even called on Kanye West to help him to oust the current Arsenal manager from his job.

In response to a tweet from Kanye, Piers wrote: "Whatever, Kanye-angelo. Now tweet #WengerOut, that's an order. (sic)"