Perrie Edwards

Perrie Edwards

Little Mix Perrie Edwards says she doesn't dress up for Zayn Malik.

Little Mix star Perrie Edwards says her fiancé, One Direction heartthrob Zayn Malik, likes her without make-up.

Perrie recently announced her engagement to the One Direction star and although she is with one of the world's biggest pop heartthrobs she insists she never feels under pressure to look glamorous for her fiancé.

Perrie told Now magazine: "I can't be bothered to wear make-up every day. I'm lucky with Zayn - he likes me either way. I am who I am and I wouldn't change my look for a man."

Zayn like Perrie as she is

In fact, the 20-year-old blonde beauty reveals she would feel more at home wearing Zayn's clothes as most of her wardrobe consists of menswear.

Quizzed about One Direction's video for 'Best Song Ever', which sees the 20-year-old hunk dressed as a woman, she said: "I loved it. It's just a sick video. It's hilarious.

"We love the Ciara video 'Like A Boy' when she dresses like a boy. I dress like a lad anyway. Most of my clothes are from Topman!"

While Perrie - who shot to fame with Little Mix as winners of 'The X Factor' in 2011 - loves her career as a pop star, she admits she feels under constant pressure to look good in public.

She explained: "If you're a normal girl and your friend posts a picture of you on Facebook looking an absolute mess, you'd be like, 'Erm, can you untag that please?' But you can't that in this industry."

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