Nick Young says he's not perfect, after Iggy Azalea caught him cheating on her via the security cameras set up at their home.

Nick Young and Iggy Azalea
Iggy dumped the basketball player last month after discovering his infidelities and Nick has taken to Twitter to admit he messed up but insisted he will "learn from it and move on".
He tweeted: "If you perfect then be perfect I live in a world where ppl f**k up learn from it and move on...
"That's life ... hate me or love me I'm still going to love life man (sic)."
Iggy recently revealed she had no choice but to kick Nick, 31, to the curb after discovering his infidelities in the worst way possible.
In a series of tweets, she revealed: "I broke up with Nick because I found out he had brought other women into our home while I was away and caught them on the security footage ... People in this world really are f***ed up. (sic)"
Iggy, 26, also commented on a report that Keonna Green, the mother of Nick's son Nick Jr, is four-months pregnant with his second child.
She tweeted: "I have never even been told by nick that his baby mother is pregnant so if this is true I'm finding out via E news ... This is just like a second shot to the chest. And I feel like I don't even know who the hell it is I've been loving all this time. (sic)"
Iggy and Nick began dating at the beginning of 2014 and got engaged in 2015.
Previously it was believed that Iggy's trust in Nick had been shaken after she had to suffer the indignity of a video leaking online which showed Nick admitting to his Los Angeles Lakers teammate D'Angelo Russell that he had cheated on her.
Tagged in Iggy Azalea Nick Young