Nick Cave's 15-year-old son died from "multiple traumatic injuries".

Nick Cave

Nick Cave

Arthur Cave was found on the underpass of Ovingdean Gap in Brighton, East Sussex, at around 6pm on July 14 and an inquest into his death today (23.07.15) heard he sustained a number of injuries after falling from a cliff.

Opening and adjourning the inquest, coroner's officer Thea Jones said: "'Emergency services were called at 5.55pm to the underpass between Ovingdean and Rottingdean after a young male was found by two passers-by.

"He had injuries consistent with falling from a great height."

A full inquest into Arthur's death will commence on November 20.

At that hearing, statements will be read from people including the person who was with Arthur on the day he died.

Following the news of the tragedy earlier this month, 57-year-old Nick - who was born in Australia - and his wife Susie paid tribute to their "beautiful, happy" son, who is also survived by twin brother Earl.

They said: "Our son Arthur died on Tuesday evening. He was our beautiful, happy loving boy.

"We ask that we be given the privacy our family needs to grieve at this difficult time."

Both Arthur and Earl appeared in Nick's 2014 biopic '20,000 Days On Earth'.

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