Naomie Harris is fed up of people asking her when she's going to have a child.

Naomie Harris
The 40-year-old actress - who has been in a relationship with Peter Legler since 2012 - doesn't have any children, and thinks it's an "odd thing" that so many people ask her when she's going to start a family.
She said: "People ask, 'So when are you going to have children?'
"I think it's a really odd thing, as it's such a personal decision. And you also don't know what's going on in someone's life."
But the Oscar-nominated 'Moonlight' actress doesn't feel "any pressure" from her mother Carmen, who has always told her to wait until she's "ready" before she starts planning her brood.
She told the Daily Mail newspaper: "My mum has always said, 'Have children when you're ready, if you're ready and only then,' and I've never had any pressure."
Meanwhile, the 'Skyfall' actress recently admitted she finds it "bizarre" when even close friends start questioning whether she wants a family of her own.
She said: "I find it bizarre, even with my friends, when they want me to have children. Why would you encourage anybody to have children unless it was their burning desire? You need to fully be committed to it."
And having a child might not be the easiest thing for Naomie either, as she already suffers from lack of sleep.
She said previously: "I am a really bad sleeper. But I've found this incredible app, which I highly recommend, called The Meaning of Life.
"It has either 10 or 20 minutes meditation every day, with a little video. You also do a little diary about three things you're grateful for. It literally changed my life."
Tagged in Naomie Harris