Mike Posner refused to be held back by a rattlesnake bite.

Mike Posner
The 'Cooler Than Me' hitmaker was on an epic trek across America when he had to been airlifted to hospital after being bitten by the deadly reptile last month but he's now resumed his walk because he thought it would be "sad" to be put off by the incident.
He said: "I'm back on the road, two weeks ago, Iv'e walked about 230 miles since being bitten by the snake, I'm not gonna let something like that stop me because if it did that would be a sad life, a sad precedent to set, once you run into an obstacle, you just quit.
"Me and my friends all say, 'It wasn't meant to be' but that means giving up, I'm not giving up.
"Since that bite I've crossed maybe the harder part of the Rocky Mountains, I've got the desert ahead and it's not gonna stop me."
Mike admitted he didn't think the bite was such a big deal initially and compared his experience to the closing credits of popular animation 'Looney Tunes'.
He told TMZ: "I felt something bite my leg and it was a baby rattlesnake, they use more venom, they say.
"They [gave me] this stuff called anti-venom and I thought I'd be [OK] tomorrow but it ended up being more serious deal, you can die or lose your leg.
"The pain isn't too much, it feels like strong bee stings but after about 10 minutes the venom went through my blood. Remember 'Looney Tunes' when the circle got smaller and smaller, 'That's all folks?' That's how it felt, my consciousness was getting darker and darker, closing in on me."
Tagged in Mike Posner