Meghan King is "glad" her marriage to Cuffe Biden Owens has been annulled.

Meghan King is relieved her marriage was annulled

Meghan King is relieved her marriage was annulled

The former 'Real Housewives of Orange County' star split from Joe Biden's nephew after just two months of marriage in 2021 and she admitted she's relieved their union was "short and sweet" and she's been able to move on.

Speaking to Caroline Stanbury on her 'Divorced Not Dead' podcast, she said: "I was very confused by the whole [relationship], but I'm just glad that it was short and sweet and it's done and it's annulled. The end. I put it behind me."

The 37-year-old beauty - who was previously married to Brad McDill from 2007 to 2011 and Jim Edmonds, the father of her three children, from 2014–2019 - admitted she and Cuffe "rushed" into tying the knot and it was more her idea than his.

She said: "I didn't ever want to get married again, but it was important to him.

"We rushed into it... Like I said earlier, I'm a lover and I want everybody to be happy. I learned some big lessons from that mistake. I'm sure he did as well."

While Meghan is open to dating again, she will be a bit more "guarded" with any potential new partner in future.

She said: "I have a whole lot of love to give, and these bad relationships that I've been in haven't knocked me down.

"And that's just who I am, I feel like I'm resilient. I want to give my whole heart, but I think I'm a little bit more guarded than I was in the past."

Meghan previously spoke about how quickly she and Cuffe had got together.

Speaking about their whirlwind romance before the split, she said: "We connected on a dating app, texted for a day or two, then spent five straight hours on the phone the first time we spoke.

“By the time that call ended, Cuffe was booked and packed for a flight to St Louis that took off in about eight hours.

"Within a week, we were back on the East Coast, meeting his family, and starting to plan our future together. We didn't leave each other's side for weeks."