Meghan Trainor wants to date a pop star.

Megan Trainor has confessed she'd like to date another pop star as she believes it's too difficult to maintain a relationship with someone who doesn't understand the demands of her job.

The hitmaker claims she's been struggling to find a boyfriend since becoming famous because men are "intimidated" by her blossoming career.

Megan Trainor has confessed she'd like to date another pop star.

She said: "Guys are scared of me, it's ridiculous.

"I guess it's because I'm a pop star now and they are intimidated. I'm finding it so hard to date.

"Then even if I find a guy I'm like, 'OK bye, see you in six months as I'm off on tour'. I am so down to date another pop star. We could be as adorable as Ariana Grande and Big Sean."

However, despite believing her only shot at love is if she finds someone with a similar job, the 20-year-old beauty thinks all the good celebrity men are taken.

She told The Sun newspaper: "All of the guy pop stars are either my friends or are already dating. It's not like a rock star lifestyle any more - everyone has a lover. I want someone funny and nice. I don't care about age or looks."