The 35-year-old actor, who was one of the most famous American child stars in the early 90s and is nowadays seeking refuge from media attention in France, has recently announced that he's more or less retired. Now that's a bit early, isn't it…?? We'll take a good look at his chart to find out what current inner process may have prompted him to come to this decision: With his sun and Mercury forming a dominant duo in practical, intelligent Virgo, he's got a very critical and analytical personality. Talk about a sharp focus on completing his tasks and fulfilling his duties! Virgos appreciate being needed, and staying busy all the time makes them happy and healthy, so that doesn't look like someone who fancies the idle life.
But on the other hand, as indicated by Macaulay's dreamy, sensitive Pisces moon (a position he shares with the likes of the late Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson and Prince!), regarding his emotions he's just the opposite - He loves the quiet and peace, feeling carefree and simply chilling and letting the flow of life take him wherever it wants to without being concerned about stuff!
He's also very intuitive regarding his needs and can pick up on even the most subtle feeling and grain of inspiration. There is no birth time so we cannot know for sure the aspects of the moon, but this is definitely a very different side of him. At present, Jupiter and Saturn play very important roles: While Jupiter strongly triggers his awareness of what's benefitting him most and what allows him the greatest chance of growth, Saturn, which rules age and time, puts the foot on the brakes and notably dampens Macaulay's overall desire for expansion. Under realistic Saturn's influence things become calmer and slower, and what you do with your time is a very important question - as opposed to Jupiter's often too gracious, wasteful attitude. With these two forces battling and striving to align, shifting down a gear and leaning back with a nice café au lait may be just the type of progress and personal growth that he needs…
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Tagged in Macaulay Culkin