Krysten Ritter feels 'Jessica Jones' is a groundbreaking television series.

Krysten Ritter

Krysten Ritter

The 34-year-old actress stars as the flawed heroine in the Marvel programme, which was recently renewed for a second season after its runaway success.

Krysten says she knew as soon as she read the script for the show that it was something she had to be involved with.

She told Fox News: "When they locked me in a room at Marvel and I read the first two [scripts] and walked out, [executive producer] Jeph Loeb asked me, 'What do you think?' I said, 'I have to play her. It is a rare piece of material.' I had been acting for over 10 years and I hadn't seen anything like it before.

"I always knew it was bigger than me just getting a great part. I felt like it was groundbreaking material and a groundbreaking role."

One of the main differences with 'Jessica Jones' is the character's independence - and that's something Krysten loves.

She added: "I think it's exciting to see a woman who is not pining over a guy, who marches to her own drummer, and has her own path. She's rough around the edges and she has some issues of her own that she needs to deal with, which I think people identify with because we all have issues. She's not perfect. I am excited for young people - boys and girls - to see Jessica Jones. I think she's a badass."

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