Kerry Katona wants to go back to school and study psychology and learn more about mental health conditions.

Kerry Katona

Kerry Katona

The 39-year-old star has been open in her life about her struggles with bipolar disorder and drug abuse and admits she is interested in re-entering education to study the subjects in a bid to change careers.

Speaking in New! magazine, she said: "What I wouldn't give to be back in the classroom!

"If I had my time over I'd study psychology, the brain and mental health, especially with everything I've been through."

Kerry even thought about enrolling on an adult learning course this September but had to put her plans on hold as she is starring in pantomime 'Sleeping Beauty' over December and January at the Kenneth More Theatre in Ilford, England.

But the former Atomic Kitten star - who will play wicked witch Carabosse - intends to revisit the idea of going back into education in 2020 because she just loves learning.

She added: "I've thought about doing an adult learning course, but with panto season coming up I probably won't have time to do anything in the next few months. It's on my mind, though. What can I say? I just love learning."

Kerry - who is in a relationship with personal trainer Ryan Mahoney - made the decision to publicly talk about her own mental health and addiction struggles on the advice of her psychiatrist who said it would ease the stigma around those problems.

The mother-of-five previously said: "The stigma that's around mental health, people think you're crazy.

'My psychiatrist said to me let the public know about drug problem, the troubled childhood, but not about my mental health. If you can't see it, you can't understand it."

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