Kelly Brook has created a gin bar and a coffee shop inside her home.

Kelly Brook
The 40-year-old presenter has been working from home amid the coronavirus pandemic and she found it very beneficial to reorganise her living space in the London abode she shares with boyfriend Jeremy Parisi, so the couple have dedicated different areas of the house to different things.
She told new! magazine: "I've really enjoyed making my home space versatile for my working day and it's really helped to keep me feeling energised and happy.
"You don't need a lot of room, but creating different designated areas for activities, whether it's making a coffee or having a stretch, is a nice way to make use of all your space.
"I've created different areas in my home dedicated to things I like to do, like a reading corner, a yoga space, a little coffee shop and a gin bar.
"When I feel organised in my living space it's a total game changer and I've loved presenting my radio show overlooking my garden."
The Heart Radio presenter has enjoyed having time to tackle chores she's previously put off, but she has been missing face-to-face contact with her loved ones.
She said: "I've loved having the time to reflect and get round to doing those things I've been meaning to do for a while But, like many of us, I've found it hard not to be able to interact with family and friends.
"It's been so hard not to be able to see people face to face but I love a good old Zoom chat. On the plus side, the thriving environment is amazing, so it's good to focus on the positives."
And Kelly has also been getting busy in the kitchen.
She added: "We love to bake. Since we've been able to get hold of flour, we've been baking up a storm. Who doesn't love cake?
"I love cooking healthy, low-calorie meals and I've been experimenting and batch cooking soups and meals for the freezer, which I never usually have time to do."
Tagged in Kelly Brook