Katie Price's mother is hoping to try an experimental drug in a bid to halt the progression of her terminal illness.

Amy Price
Last year, Amy, 64, was diagnosed with the irreversible lung condition idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), and she's applied for a place on a medical trial in a new bid to treat the disease.
Appearing alongside Katie on 'Loose Women', she said: "I'm hoping to go on a research drug as well because it's not going to do me any harm is it?"
During the winter months, Amy moved out to Spain and found the warmer climate made her symptoms "much better".
She said: "In January I was suffering so much with the cold weather, can't go near people with colds, so I thought, 'I'm gonna go to Spain, I've got friends who live there and they found me a little apartment on the sea.'
"[I felt] much better, I don't cough over there. Over here even now if I go out walking I'll do 2000 steps but over there I'm doing 1000 because the air is warmer, it's dryer."
Amy may eventually need a lung transplant but has been told by her medical team she is currently "too healthy" to be put on the list of those in need of organ donation.
She explained: "I'm not too bad, I went for tests this week with the transplant team, my lung function tests have dropped a little bit but that's to be expected with what I've got.
"They do other tests for all the other organs to prepare for when you need a transplant. I'm not on the list yet but they look at everything to make sure you can cope with it and they are still 100% fine, so at the moment they said I'm too healthy, go and enjoy yourself, you're fine."
While Katie was initially emotional on hearing her mother had a "terminal" illness, she's now able to joke about it.
She quipped: "I say, 'I thought you'd have gone by now but you're still here for a few years.'
"I was crying [when she was diagnosed] and I couldn't cope, when you hear terminal, but no, she's still got lots in her, she's still moaning at me...
"She still nags me every day, on Facetime or whatever. The moment I know she's really ill, she won't be nagging me."
Tagged in Katie Price