Katie Price thinks people should have background checks before joining social media to establish accountability.

Katie Price

Katie Price

The 37-year-old TV personality has come to this conclusion after taking on internet trolls this week who created and posted hurtful memes and offensive photos about her disabled 13-year-old son Harvey.

Katie feels proper verification would help insure prosecution if people decide to write abuse online or troll other users.

Writing in The Sun newspaper, she said: "There should be background checks for anyone who sets up a social media account. If you want to hire someone for a company, you check them out. It should be the same for getting a Twitter account.

"Users should need to fill in forms and pass a test. They should have to give addresses, phone numbers and so much more.

There needs to be a proper verification process so when stuff like this happens, trolls can be found and action can be taken."

After spending years at the centre of media attention due to her glamour modelling and TV careers, Katie has developed a thick skin and can dismiss the vile posts of trolls against her.

However, she was so shocked by the severity of the insults made about her son's disabilities and race that she felt compelled to act.

She added: "In the summer there was one man - who had a daughter himself - who was making sick videos of Harvey. I found it so disturbing that I reported it to the police and they arrested the guy.

"I'm tough and thick-skinned. I'm used to abuse. So for me to be upset and shocked by things being said, it shows how bad it is. It's really affected me, the stuff that's been said about Harvey. I've got five kids and they pick on my disabled child. It p***es me off. Pick on me, I've been there, done that and got the T-shirt."

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