Kate Beckinsale has to have a bath every night.

Kate Beckinsale cannot go to sleep without having a bath

Kate Beckinsale cannot go to sleep without having a bath

The 48-year-old actress admitted her habit can be really "annoying" because she's so set on her evening ritual, she'll take a dip in the tub before she goes to bed, no matter how late it gets.

She told People magazine: "I literally cannot transition from day to night unless I have submerged myself in water. Which is really annoying because I could get a hotel room and it'll have cockroaches and go, 'Okay, fine,' But if [the room] doesn't have a bathtub, I'll be like, 'Sorry, can I move?' I really need to have that every day, no matter what. Even when it's Oscar night and you're getting home at seven in the morning once you've been to 15 parties. I still have to go through the whole bath thing."

The ‘Pearl Harbour’ star - credited her youthful appearance to good genes but admitted it was helpful that she “didn’t see the sun” until she was an adult after she moved from the UK to California and had always been "paranoid" about her freckles coming out.

She said: "I'm really lucky, my mum's got really good skin. I think obviously some of it is a genetic thing, although you can mess that up. I didn't see sun for the first several decades of my life and that's probably been a big help. A great deal of it was geography [growing up in England], but the other thing was on the very rare occasions when we would go on a family vacation somewhere hot, I was paranoid that I would get freckles in a mustache formation on my face. So I was wearing Factor 70 [SPF]. I just didn't want a mustache, that's really why I used sunscreen."

Kate would love to try a chemical peel on her face but is worried something could go wrong.

She said: “I really would like to, because I see people who’ve had them but I just think something will go wrong and I’d be scarred.”

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