John Newman's brain tumour has returned.

John Newman

John Newman

The 26-year-old singer may be forced to take a break next year to undergo treatment on the benign tumour because medical professionals have found some "cancerous cells", which means he will need radio therapy and time to rest following surgery.

A source close to the 'Ole' hitmaker told The Sun newspaper: "John's brain tumour is back. He's known about it for a while but has kept it a closely guarded secret, confiding only in those closest to him - his mum, brother and few loyal members of his family.

"Now he's started telling people because it won't be long before he talks time out for treatment.

"Although the tumour, thank god, is benign doctors have found a few cancerous cells on it.

"Fortunately, because the tumour has stayed the same size for a while John's been told that surgery can wait until next year.

"After the operation, he'll need some radio therapy so there's talks of him taking a few months off to get the job done and convalesce."

However, having gone through the same thing in 2012, when John was diagnosed with a small tumour, he is said to be "a lot calmer" because he's experienced it once before, although, it is "emotionally draining" for him.

The source added: "The first time around John was petrified. But now he seems a lot calmer and I think the fact he's been through this once before is reassuring. He also totally trusts the team where he goes for frequent MRI scans.

"For a while afterwards patients can feel weak, have fits, find it difficult to walk and encounter speech problems.

"Although he's trying to remain as positive as possible it's a really emotionally draining time for poor John."

The 'Love Me Again' star's career peaked recently with the release of his new single 'Ole' with his pal Calvin Harris.