Jimmy Buffett urged his family to "keep the party going" after his death.

Jimmy Buffett recently passed away

Jimmy Buffett recently passed away

The musician died on September 1, aged 76, due to complications from Merkel-cell carcinoma, a rare form of skin cancer, and Jimmy's daughter has now taken to social media to pay a glowing tribute to him.

Delaney, 31, wrote on Instagram: "I knew my dad my whole life but in his final days, I saw who he was: a man whose spirit could not be broken.

"Despite the pain, he smiled everyday. He was kind when he had every excuse not to be. He told us not to be sad or scared, but to keep the party going. And as much as I’d like to use that as an excuse to drink myself into oblivion worthy of his literary heroes, I know it’s not what he meant. Yes, he loved his weed and his wine, but the truth is, most of the time, he was just high on life, and that is what he wanted for everyone: to enjoy the fantastic trip that life can be."

Delaney also paid tribute to the healthcare professionals who looked after her dad.

She wrote: "My dad repeatedly told us how much he appreciated the doctors, nurses, and every person who was there for him during his battle with cancer. So to those who took care of my dad at home and in the hospital, I want to thank you for giving us more time together. I am eternally grateful.

"To the family and friends supporting us during this time, thank you for reminding me of the importance of human connection. I knew laughter was the best medicine, but it’s never rung truer than it does now. If we couldn’t laugh, we would all go insane."

What's more, Delaney thanked her dad for giving her "everything" she has in her life.

She said: "Finally, to my dad, thank you. You turned nothing into something and gave me everything. I will never be able to repay you or my mom for my beautiful life. I will love you forever, and I will always keep the party going (responsibly, of course)."