Jesus Luz says his relationship with Madonna changed his life and inspired him to stop being sexist.

Jesus Luz and Madonna

Jesus Luz and Madonna

The 32-year-old model is "extremely grateful" to the Queen of Pop for helping him to be "more understanding of differences" and says his time with the 60-year-old singer made him a better man.

Speaking to Brazilian magazine Revista Quem, he said: "Living with Madonna has influenced the mindset I have today. I was very young when we dated and had an incredible life experience with her.

"I am extremely grateful to her. She inspired me to be the human being that I am today, more open to the unknown and more understanding of differences. I try to pass all this on to my daughter.

"I'm a very open-minded father, in a good way. My daughter is free to be whatever she wants, within the ethical principles that Carol [his wife] and l believe. I don't agree with "boy or girl" toys. My daughter will play with whatever she wants.

"Sexism does not have a place in my house. I needed to stop being sexist. I am very mature now. I made this transition and believe we should all stop being sexist."

Jesus went on to explain that he was originally attracted to Madonna's sense of fun and insisted they met on a human level and he never saw her as "an icon".

He said: "I do not believe in love at first sight. I've never experienced anything like it. What happened was chemistry at first sight, a connection. Love is something deeper that needs to be nurtured.

"Madonna has an incredible sense of humour and is an amazing mother. In our relationship, l met her as a human being, not as an icon."

Madonna and Jesus split in 2010 after a year of dating.

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