Jessica Simpson felt "giddy" putting jeans on "for the first time in months".

Jessica Simpson (c) Instagram

Jessica Simpson (c) Instagram

The 40-year-old star took to social media to share her excitement at wearing jeans for the first time in a long time amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Sharing a picture of her in double denim, she wrote on Instagram: "My friends and family all joke about how being a homebody at heart has been rewarding for me during the pandemic because I haven’t had to leave my Prairie tale of a home ... I was very giddy to put on jeans for the first time in months. It felt good to get back into my denim and shoot on “the Prairie” with my family one holler away. (sic)"

Meanwhile, Jessica previously revealed she believes that "confidence" comes with openness and is glad she's been able to be herself.

She said: "It's unbelievable - I can't even believe it. I seriously have been in complete shock. I don’t even understand. I’m appreciative for sure. Honestly, I think people ... really just want to know why, when, how. I have really been quiet for the past 10 years ... It was time to really understand my entire life. The way people have been reacting to it is exactly how I would want my best friends to read it. It's very liberating to be open. With my openness comes confidence."

And Jessica knows she has "flaws" and has made "mistakes" but she sees that as a very "humbling experience" rather than negatively.

She added: "We all have our flaws. We all have made mistakes. Leading with those mistakes and owning those flaws, is a very humbling experience. It puts you out there where you have nothing to hide ... There is so much life to live with clarity that is so much more impactful than to hide behind the darkness. I'm really just a normal, everyday girl that goes through the exact same things as everyone else. It’s giving people courage themselves to open up."

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