Jacob Bertrand has confirmed he is dating Peyton List.

Peyton List is dating Jacob Bertrand

Peyton List is dating Jacob Bertrand

The 22-year-old actor has been in a relationship with his 'Cobra Kai' co-star "for a while" but explained they didn't meet while making the show as he was "tight friends" with his girlfriend's brother when they were much younger.

He said: "We've been dating for a while...

"We've been friends for a while, I met her when I was 15. I was tight friends with her brother Spencer, that's kinda awkward to be like, 'Hey man, I like your sister.' We had fun on set then hung out off set."

The couple insisted the impact on set had never made them think twice about starting a relationship.

Speaking separately to TMZ, Jacob said: "I've never dated anyone I worked with before. Its kind of like trial by fire almost."

And Peyton said: "I'm like, think about the consequences later."

But Jacob joked if things do turn sour between them, he wouldn't be the one who had to leave their show.

He said: "I'm staying, I've been here longer and I've got a cool hairstyle."

The 23-year-old actress refused to answer.

She said: "No. I don't wanna think about that."

The pair were asked who could win in a fight, and although they are both skilled in martial arts, they agreed on Peyton.

She said: "Definitely me. My legs are strong."

Asked her best karate move, she said: "A push kick".

Earlier this month, Peyton revealed she'd been in a relationship for over a year.

She said: "I love love. Now that I have love, I love it."

And she teased that her personal life had become "intertwined" with the Netflix show, which she joined in 2019.

Asked if she still has time for a personal life, Peyton explained: "Yeah, I definitely make time for it.

"Also, I feel like my personal life is the show now at this point. We're all such good friends and we all hang out all the time, that everything's intertwined.

"I love everyone and I have so much fun, and also just getting to be best friends with some of the stunt people too. I want it to go for however long everyone wants it. I'm just rooting for the show to go on forever."