Eddie Izzard "doesn't mind" what pronouns people use.
The comedian - who is gender fluid - recently revealed she was happy for people to use the she / her pronouns but prefers to be called Eddie as "that covers everything".
Speaking about the interview, Eddie said: "I didn’t push for it [on the programme]. This isn’t the big thing. I’ve been out for 35 years. When I was called ‘she’ on getting my honorary degree at Swansea [in 2019], no one gave a monkey’s. Why didn’t anyone pick up on it before? It’s whatever people want – if they call me she and her, that’s great – or he and him, I don’t mind. I prefer to be called Eddie, that covers everything.
"I’m gender fluid. Your brain gets coded male or female when you’re young. Mine got coded both ways. I have the gift of both, although it doesn’t feel like a gift at first."
And the 58-year-old comedian has defended JK Rowling's comments after she was accused of being transphobic for implying that only women menstruate in response to an article.
Speaking to The Telegraph newspaper, he shared: "I don’t think JK Rowling is transphobic. I think we need to look at the things she has written about in her blog. Women have been through such hell over history. Trans people have been invisible, too. I hate the idea we are fighting between ourselves, but it’s not going to be sorted with the wave of a wand. I don’t have all the answers. If people disagree with me, fine – but why are we going through hell on this?"
Tagged in Eddie Izzard