Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore was "really nervous" during her first pregnancy.

The 'Whip It!' actress admits she had a string of concerns when expecting her first child, but did her best not to "bother" other people with her worries.

She told E! News: "The first time I was really nervous the whole time. I definitely chose my battles. I don't like to bother people. If it was something important or I was really worried, of course, I would call the doctor. But I was not that patient. I would just panic quietly inside."

The 39 year old beauty is keen for her children to grow up with a strong work ethic.

She said: "I would really like to raise kids to do summer jobs and intern, and understand that if you are supposed to be somewhere at 3 o'clock, you need to be there at 3 o'clock."

Drew, who is a co-founder of successful production company Flower Films, also admitted to some dislikes about her body but accepts she can't have everything she wants, so is comfortable with her flaws.

Speaking to the new issue of Redbook magazine, she said: "I would love to have long, thin arms. I really would but I don't. I can run a company, so maybe I am just going to have fatter arms and run a company wearing sleeves? That is my balance; nobody gets to have it all. I would take wearing sleeves and running a company. Not that running a company is the key to happiness, but while I may not be tall and thin, I am capable."