Demi Lovato forgot the lyrics to her sobriety song just days before her suspected overdose.

Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato

The 25-year-old singer raised eyebrows last weekend when she seemingly forgot the words to her track 'Sober', which she wrote and released recently to reveal that she had relapsed, while she was performing at the California Mid-State Fair in Paso Robles.

Fans were initially unsure whether the 'Cool For the Summer' hitmaker had a mind blank or was overcome with emotion as she started singing the piano-backed tuned before stepping away from the microphone and taking a minute to compose herself.

However, it's now become clear that Demi must have been battling some issues before the performance - her last before she took the suspected overdose - as she was found unconscious at her home by two of her friends just two days later.

It's not yet known what Demi had taken but it's believed her life was saved when one of her pals administered a Narcan shot - medication to block the effects of opioids - at the scene.

She was then rushed to hospital for further treatment and is now said to be "awake".

A rep for the 'Sorry Not Sorry' hitmaker said in a statement: "Demi is awake and with her family who want to express thanks to everyone for the love, prayers and support.

"Some of the information being reported is incorrect and they respectfully ask for privacy and not speculation as her health and recovery is the most important thing right now."

Demi's friends and fellow celebrities have taken to their social networking sites to wish her well after the heartbreaking news of her overdose came to light on Tuesday (24.07.18).

Ariana Grande wrote on Twitter: "i love u @ddlovato (sic)"

Lady Gaga tweeted: "We should all wrap our arms of love around Demi Lovato. I am so happy you're alive. Thank God. If I know my monsters as well as I believe I do, we all wish you self-compassion and inner peace. And may you receive the love so many have for you. #ImConfidentInDemi Demi, I love you. (sic)"

Brad Paisley - who collaborated with Demi on 2016 song 'Without A Fight' - praised Demi as the most "honest" and "brave" woman he has met.

He wrote: "My friend @ddlovato is one of the kindest, most talented people I've ever met. Praying for her right now, addiction is a terrifying disease. There is no one more honest or brave than this woman. (sic)"

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