Dame Joan Collins fled a private members' club after being attacked with a bread roll.

Dame Joan Collins fled club after bread roll attack

Dame Joan Collins fled club after bread roll attack

The 88-year-old actress was dining with pals at the Chelsea Arts Club in London when an irate guest threw the baked good at her.

Joan told The Daily Mail newspaper's Eden Confidential column: "A drunken diner who inappropriately wanted to sit with us got upset and threw a hard bread roll at me, and she didn't even have the decency to follow it up with the butter.

"It was a private dinner for a friend's birthday, my once PR Stella Wilson."

Stella revealed that Joan was so upset about the incident, she left the dinner early.

She said: "Joan understandably was upset. Nobody likes to have something thrown at them.

"She and [her husband] Percy [Gibson] left. I was disappointed she had to miss the rest of my birthday but I completely understood why she left. I would have walked out too. Thank goodness it was only a bread roll. That was the frightening part of it."

Stella revealed that none of her guests knew the bread thrower, who earlier had identified herself as a fan of Joan's.

She said the woman came over to their table and was "swaying around and not making any sense".

Stella added: "She knew who Joan was because she told her, 'I have always admired you.'

"None of us could understand why she threw it. It was an upsetting incident for everybody."