Chris Martin

Chris Martin

Chris Martin wants to move back to England with his wife Gwyneth Paltrow and their two children Apple and Moses as he has had enough of living in Los Angeles.

The Coldplay frontman relocated to Los Angeles last year with his wife Gwyneth Paltrow and their two children, daughter Apple, nine, and son Moses, seven, so the 41-year-old actress could be near her friends but he's now desperate to return to his native country.

A source told RadarOnline: "Chris has told Gwyneth he wants to move back to his native England with their two children, Apple and Moses, once the school year is over.

"He hasn't been happy living in Los Angeles because Chris just isn't into the Hollywood scene."

The 36-year-old singer doesn't believe he and Gwyneth need to stay in the US once their children have finished their academic year at school and he'd rather be closer to his family in the UK.

The source explained: "At first, Chris was doing it for Gwyneth because of the sacrifices she made for him, especially since he would be on the road for months at time while the band was touring. However, Chris now recognises that Gwyneth doesn't need to be living in Los Angeles for her career."

The couple - who married in 2003 - own an apartment in the Belsize Park in North London, but have recently put the property on the market.

It is also believed the pair own a number of homes in the Hamptons, too, but are currently looking for a small flat in Regents' Park, London.

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