Cathriona White's mother claims she has positive blood test results that prove Jim Carrey knew he had STDs.

Jim Carrey
The 54-year-old actor has been hit with wrongful death lawsuits over the suicide of his former girlfriend, with her mom Brigid Sweetman and estranged husband Mark Burton claiming she took her own life after he gave her three sexually-transmitted infections, accusations which he has denied.
However, in new documents filed by Brigid, she claims Jim exposed her daughter to herpes, chlamydia and Hepatitis A by hiding his infected status and continuing to have unprotected sex with her. She has also submitted as evidence what she claims are the 'Mask' star's positive blood test results, which she believes prove he knew he had STDs in January 2013, a few weeks before he was with Cathriona on Valentine's Day.
According to TMZ, Brigid also alleges in her documents that Jim infected her daughter and feigned ignorance when she told him she had "bumps down there" and was going to see a doctor.
Brigid has slammed the 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' star for being"callous and criminal" and putting his daughter's health and safety at risk, and insisted he should have told her the truth about having STDs on Valentine's Day, instead of giving her flowers and chocolate.
Brigid previously said she would drop the lawsuit if Jim could prove he didn't have the infections.
She said in a statement: "If they publicly release and publish the full Quest Diagnostics lab report for the blood sample Carrey gave on Jan. 28, 2013 at 11:40 a.m. under the name Jose Lopez and if it shows Carrey did not test positive for STDs, I will immediately dismiss the case and apologise.
"But if it shows differently, and it will, then Carrey and his attorney must admit they have lied to the media and the public. The public has a right to know when they have been lied to."
Tagged in Jim Carrey