Cara Delevingne

Cara Delevingne

Cara Delevingne is dating two men.

Model-turned-actress Delevingne is dating both One Direction's Harry Styles and 'Kids in Love' co-star Aki Omoshaybi, and though neither romance is serious, friends say she is equally smitten with both guys.

A source has said "Cara has two men fawning over her at the minute and she keeps talking about how much she loves it. What girl wouldn't? She's really affectionate and open with her feelings and loves that these guys are falling for her.

"On one hand, she has one of the most fancied guys in the world calling and sending her messages daily and on the other she has this fairly unknown actor, whose creativity she adores, begging for a date.the source told Look magazine: 

"She's a little torn, but Cara is just being herself and if both guys can't handle that, she'll wave them goodbye. Cara is a free spirit in more ways than one." they continued.

Cara isn't too worried about the situation because she knows her relationships with both guys could never become full-time due to their career commitments.

The source explained: "Cara is very attracted to both Harry and Aki but she knows their lives and careers are so busy right now that a proper relationship with either man would be tough. She and Harry have had this thing for some time but he's travelling the world with One Direction and is constantly on the move.

"Aki's star is rising too. He's about to hit the big time in the British acting world, and when this happens he won't be around much either."

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