Ashley Greene is a morning person.

Ashley Greene

Ashley Greene

The 'Twilight' star loves getting up early to do a workout as it sets her day off right and makes her feel as though she can "conquer the world".

She said: "To fit my workout into my day, I have to be out the door early. That means I don't have time to think about whether I'm tired or to come up with excuses.

"And I've found that when I exercise in the morning, I have a much more productive day. After I finish my workout, I feel as if I can conquer the world."

The 29-year-old actress also works hard to eat the right foods but has her vices in cheese, red wine and grits.

She added to the April issue of Shape magazine: "What I put into my body has a huge impact on the results I get out of it. Eating keeps my metabolism cranking."

Meanwhile, Ashley previously admitted she feels "pressured" by Hollywood to look a certain way.

She shared: "Yeah, there's always going to be pressure [in Hollywood]. Anyone who doesn't feel pressure is a really good liar. You're always going to be too skinny or too fat or too muscular, and I've gotten every single one of those."

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