With so many incredible books on witchcraft and Paganism being released at the moment, it’s no wonder that our days are spent with our finger hovering over the “pre-order” button. This year has some incredible authors releasing new works; all established authorities in their fields and all getting us in the mood for witching.
Wild Once: Awaken the magic within. Unleash true power by Vivianne Crowley
(March 10)
This iconic Wiccan High Priestess and psychologist is one of the most trusted authorities on Wicca. Any Seeker worth their salt has her 1989 book Wicca: The Old Religion in the New Age (or perhaps the revised 1996 edition - Wicca: The Old Religion in the New Millennium) on their shelf, as an indispensable part of their Wiccan education. But this generation of witches are all about the experiential aspect of witchcraft, and Vivianne Crowley’s newest book Wild Once explores the untamed power that’s in all of us and how to harness that through a number of different mediums, as well as focusing on the importance of connecting to the natural world.

Blackthorn’s Protection Magic: A Witch's Guide to Mental and Physical Self-Defense by Amy Blackthorn
(March 25)
Botanical master Amy Blackthorn unveils the endless possibilities that plants present when it comes to protection spells in her new book Blackthorn’s Protection Magic. Whether you need protection from spiritual forces or you want to keep burglars away from your home, Blackthorn has the answer. She goes over the use of essential oils, incense and spellwork when it comes to feeling safer - and, in a climate plagued by a pandemic and a war that leaves the safety of the world hanging in the balance, this book couldn’t come around sooner.

Queens of the Wild: Pagan Goddesses in Christian Europe - An Investigation by Ronald Hutton
(May 10)
It’s been 23 years since this famed historian published his seminal work on Contemporary Paganism, The Triumph of the Moon, and Ronald Hutton still remains an important presence in the field of all things Pagan. His forthcoming work, Queens of the Wild, promises a thorough anthropological, archaeological, historical and literary analysis of four archetypal “goddess” figures: Mother Earth, the Fairy Queen, the Mistress of the Night, and the Old Woman of Gaelic tradition. But far from a look into our deep Pagan roots, Hutton looks at the possibility of a post-Christian, yet very un-Christian, birth of these so-called Pagan Queens.

The Witch's Guide to the Paranormal: How to Investigate, Communicate, and Clear Spirits by J. Allen Cross
(September 8)
For the witch who wants to lift the veil, J. Allen Cross’ The Witch's Guide to the Paranormal will arrive in plenty of time for Hallowe’en. While the average paranormal investigator may have their special thermographic and night vision cameras and EMF metres, witches have the power to manipulate energy and it’s that ability that Cross will teach us how to hone when it comes to dealing with poltergeists, ghosts and other entities. Mediumship, protective spells and exorcisms are the kinds of things you can be expected to learn about in this book.

MORE: Seven misconceptions about witchcraft by Kelly-Ann Maddox, author of Rebel Witch
Mastering Magick by Mat Auryn: A Course in Spellcasting for the Psychic Witch
(October 8)
After his incredible 2020 debut Psychic Witch, Mat Auryn follows up with a companion book on casting spells entitled Mastering Magick. It’s really for all those “students” who completed the exercises in Psychic Witch, and are now looking for meaningful ways to use those new skills. It includes over 60 spells, some of which were written by some of the most iconic witches of our time from Christopher Penczak and Storm Faerywolf, to Astrea Taylor and Madame Pamita. We’re excited to read Mat’s instructions on bridging the gap between worlds and more modern ways of connecting with tools, elements and seasons among other things.

Tagged in Books Witch witchcraft