Bestselling American author F.R. Black has fans around the world firmly under the spell of her hit series of adult fantasy romance novels, the Fairy Godmother Inc. series. Combining thrilling adventure with swoon-worthy love stories, the series deserves to be at the top of every female reader’s wish-list.

Author F.R. Black

Author F.R. Black

Q. In a nutshell, how would you describe the premise of the Fairy Godmother Inc. series to a new reader?    

A. ‘Fairy Godmother Inc.’ controls the balance of the universe through true love’s kiss.

It’s a series of novels where an interdimensional corporation selects five Earth women to compete in different worlds for the heart of the handsome prince or its ruler, ensuring universal balance through true love's kiss.

Each book unfolds in a unique world, with the women facing adventures filled with romance, danger, and competition, orchestrated by Fairy Godmother Inc. to test their bravery and suitability to rule alongside their chosen prince.

It’s like The Bachelor meets The Hunger Games, romance style.

Q. How did you come up with the concept of the series?

A. When I was young, I hated to read, not yet understanding what I was missing out on. My teacher told me I needed to find a book to read, and my sister (an avid fantasy reader) convinced me to read my first fantasy novel for class. I thought it was the worst punishment;  I was okay with just watching movies! Books were not interesting to me at that time — they were too much work. I wanted to go outside and play, not sit and read boring words. But, alas, I started to read Magic Kingdom for Sale—Sold! by Terry Brooks, and I have never been the same since. It was a fantastic novel, and it took me for a ride.

I read that book in eighth grade, and I always remembered it. It was my first introduction to fantasy and books in general, and my inspiration for my series 15 years later! It’s crazy how something so small could have such a massive impact years down the road.

Q. Adult fantasy romance is a relatively new genre. What do you think makes it so attractive to readers?

A. Romance paired with fantasy is the most enticing recipe for reader obsession. I believe it’s the magical worlds and dangerous adventures that are like vacations for the mind that people didn’t know they needed. And then you add spice and romance into the mix, and you have yourself a genre with everything you need for an amazing escape.  

Q. Your novels blend spicy moments with intricate world-building. How do you balance these elements to maintain both sensuality and a compelling narrative?

A. First and foremost, it’s all about the storyline and world-building. All authors are different but for me, I need the storyline to be the real star in a romance. Anyone can write spicy scenes but the real talent is blending the two. The spice comes naturally with a great plot and carefully thought-out characters.

Q. What challenges have you faced in writing a series of novel, and how have you overcome them?

A. Is there room for a novel here? I could literally write a book on the challenges of being an aspiring author. As someone who suffers from ADHD, writing used to not come easy for me. It took me a long time to learn how to write the million ideas in my head and zone in on just one. Overcoming ADHD and learning how to work with it as a superpower, not a disability, was key. I chose to never be medicated because the true source of my creativity was the way my brain worked. So why would I try to change that? I just needed to harness it, not suppress it.  

Q. What’s the most surprising feedback you’ve received from readers?

A. One particular fan comes to mind, where she said that I had changed her life, restoring her love for reading and, through the journey of my novels, helped her find a place where she fits in.

I have amazing readers, and through my books, they have found each other and become friends for life. It’s humbling to see that my books had that kind of impact, and I thank God daily for it.  

adult fantasy romance author F.R. Black takes readers far, far, away with her spicy, spellbinding Fairy Godmother Inc. series.
Bestselling adult fantasy romance author F.R. Black takes readers far, far, away with her spicy, spellbinding Fairy Godmother Inc. series.

Q. Each of your books has a different prince that the female protagonists are competing to win the heart of. Which of the princes would you pursue, and why?

A. That’s the most challenging question to answer because they all have such unique qualities about them. If I chose one, I’d feel like I was cheating on the others! But just for fun (moving other books out of earshot), I’d choose book 4 in the series, The Prince of the Deep.

I have always had a fondness for the ocean, and the world I built in book 4 would be so awesome to see in real life. And of course, Raine, the prince of the deep, would definitely make it worth it! He’s a hot, morally grey tornado of a character who is just misunderstood. I think it’s safe to say that I understand him very well, which means I call dibs. Those are the rules. 

Q. What do you hope readers take away from your novels beyond the romance, the spice, and fantasy elements?

A. To dream beyond your wildest dreams. I hope they were taken to a special place where all the pain and stress of reality fade away. That is one of my true quests as an author. To take readers far, far, away. And even the worst villain can have a happily ever after.

Whether you're a hopeless romantic or a fantasy enthusiast, F.R. Black’s books promise to deliver delightful escapism and heartfelt emotions.
Whether you're a hopeless romantic or a fantasy enthusiast, F.R. Black’s books promise to deliver delightful escapism and heartfelt emotions.

Q. If you could get three wishes from a fairy godmother, what would you ask for, and why?

A. Well, it would depend on the world you were traveling to, but I would love to play around with three wishes! I’d pick the most badass weapon and instantly become a master in it. That’s a given. Another interesting and fun wish would be to mind read. I mean, I feel like that would be fun to an extent. I’d have to ponder that more. Then, for the last wish, I’d wish for more wishes!  I'm not sure if that would work, but I’d try.

Q. What should readers expect from you next?

A. This is very exciting. You can expect the last book in the series, book 8, which is in the process of being finished! But there is a big surprise: once the Fairy Godmother Inc. series is over, a spin-off series will immediately be in the works. Fairy Godmother Inc. comes back and is better than ever, with even higher stakes. I'm very excited about the spin-off series.  

F.R. Black’s Fairy Godmother Inc. series – comprising Heir of the Beast, The Elven Crown, The Crystal Commander, The Prince of the Deep, The Master of Metal, Palace of Frost, and Siren Prisoner – is available on Amazon in paperback and eBook formats. You can follow F.R. Black on FacebookTikTok, and Instagram.


Exclusive Extract From Heir of the Beast

F.R. Black’s Fairy Godmother Inc. series opens in style with Heir of the Beast, where five girls get to embark on an adventure of a lifetime, full of danger, excitement, and most of all, true love – with the victor winning the heart of Prince Apollo. Here is an exclusive extract.

cover image Heir of The Beast fantasy novel by F.R. Black

“This is the last time I save you,” he grits out, getting a better hold on me as our bodies dangle over the cliff side. How he can hold us both by a mere rope is impressive.

I’ve seen actors do this in movies with green screens and CGI. But in real life? I look down at the merciless ocean below, and my stomach drops. This might as well be the Cliffs of Insanity from The Princess Bride. Except that Apollo is much easier on the eyes than Fezzik.

My ballgown weighs three tons, making this near impossible.

Apollo yanks the knife out of my hand and cuts a few strings in the back, and my skirts start to fall, the weight sliding right off my legs as Apollo holds me up, grunting. I’m left with my tattered black lace slip and my thin underwear.

My heart beats erratically as a gust of wind slams into us. Of course, Apollo is good at removing women’s clothing. I guess now is not the time to be a prude.

I hear him groan in relief at the release of its weight. He uses the rock wall to help him climb up, little by little. “You never said where you acquired your dress,” he whispers.

My arms are wrapped tightly around his neck, pressed to him as close as one can get. I still can’t believe he just dove off a cliff to save me. “I will have to kill you if I tell.”

Hey. That’s a classic one-liner.

No judging—he has never heard it before.

He chuckles, and I can feel his hot breath on me. “You claim to be Princess Ursula? That is quite the claim,” he grunts as he pulls us up.


 “That changes everything.”

I glance at him. “You’re not throwing me in the dungeon to be killed?”


 “Where then?”

 “My bedroom.”