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Get Published on Female First

BELIEF, it is my hypothesis, that is tempered,

refined and redefined by experience, leads to the ascent of Reason:

the acceptance of, and positive and constructive

interaction with, the people and the world around us.


REASON, when applied in an empathetic, humble

and constructive way, leads to enlightenment.

Reason (or the application of “Reason”), devoid of emotion and empathy,

can be stark and dark, and at worst, lead to cynicism and detachment.


CYNICAL and cold detachment leads inexorably to

the acceptance of the grotesque and abhorrent as “normal”.

Worse than cynicism, in the extreme, is casual indifference;

WTF! Can’t do anything, just gotta accept it.


“LIFE’S a bitch and then you die.” This is not acceptance, it is abdication.

It is not a choice, it is laziness. Life is not a bitch, she

(if you wish to apply a gender) is a mystery:

written of pages of a book you have yet to read.


THE NATURE OF EVIL? It is, I believe, the deliberate choice and decision

to embrace and adopt such a brutal detachment;

to choose, by proxy, the easy way out;

big monstrosities are built on little lies.


LOVE, philanthropy and the sharing of care and resource

in a time of adversity and need is instinctive;

the predisposition to greed, limited self interest

and Evil is an abdication of choice.


IN THE AFTERMATH of the Christchurch Earthquake,

the sense of community and sharing was strong,

support came from throughout New Zealand, and around the World..

As the years have passed, memories fade, empathy wanes


and fear creeps in like a dull grey mist,

comes the profiteering, the exorbitant rental demands

in a limited housing situation: this is more

than just “demand and supply”.


THE EQUATION is simple.

We need each other to achieve our respective humanity,

individually and collectively. Celebrate it.

We need, consciously and actively, to make the choice.


Les Bush

Copyright, 2 April, 2013

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