Warm Bodies

Warm Bodies

Set in a post-apocalyptic America, Warm Bodies explores a world which has been destroyed over the years by multiple wars and natural disasters resulting in the emergence of a zombie plague. The novel tells the story of R, a flesh-consuming, brain-eating zombie. R is unlike many of his zombie friends as he tells of his unhappiness of living in a world which he barely remembers and his discomfort of eating humans to survive. Unlike others, R actually has a conscience and a self-loathing for what he is and what he must do to live in the world of the dead. We soon learn that the zombies eat brains, not just to survive, but also to re-live the life they used to know, as they encounter snippets of their victims’ memories.

R and his zombie comrades explore a ruined city on the hunt for food and come across a feast. R kills a boy named Perry and eats his brain, and experiences powerful recollections of the love which Perry feels for his girlfriend, Julie. Not wanting to bring harm to Julie, R stops the other zombies from eating her, and protects her by taking her back to his aeroplane hide-out.

Days pass as R continues to keep Julie safe in the environs of his abandoned plane and as R spends more time with Julie, he starts to change: remembering more and more of his old life every day and also regaining some of his speech. Julie soon convinces R that she needs to go home to the large stadium back in the abandoned city, a hide-out for the humans. When she leaves him, R returns to the zombie airport and cannot stop thinking of her therefore deciding to break into the stadium to be with her. R is able to sneak his way in using his developing human skills. As Julie and R spend more time together, hiding out in Julie’s ‘house’ and going to the pub, their friendship soon begins to develop into something more. However, unbeknown to R and Julie, a revolution is forming amongst the zombies as others begin to change like R, wanting to experience the real world. Meanwhile there are also those who don’t and are planning to kill R and take down the rest of the humans.

The story results in a human vs. zombie battle, not just against each other, though. Humans begin turning against humans and zombies begin turning against zombies as both races fight for what they believe is right. With both R and Julie being hunted down by humans and zombies alike, will they or won’t they survive? And will R turn back into a human? You’ll have to read the book to find out, of course. Overall this novel is a fantastic read involving the unlikely mix of love between the living and the dead. R’s character makes the book a truly charming read and without a doubt, you will find yourself wishing you could meet R too.

By Amber Gunn


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