To celebrate the release of her feel-good novel The Woman Who Came Back to Life, author Beth Miller here lets readers in on five things she'd like them to know about her. Here's what she had to reveal...
1. Like Pearl in my new novel, The Woman Who Came Back to Life, I am the product of a broken home. However, my parents didn’t split until I was 24, so I don’t think it counts.
2. When I was nine I won a prize - a £2 book token - in an Observer poetry competition judged by Laurie Lee.
3. I’ve done a lot of different jobs. My first one was when I was 13. I was a sales assistant in a chemist’s shop, and the condoms were on such a high shelf that I had to climb a ladder to reach them.
Probably my favourite job was in an art and stationery shop near St Paul’s cathedral, where I once sold a solid gold pen to a rich gentleman. It was one of the highlights of my life.
4. For a brief period in my late teens I had four boyfriends at the same time. It was ACE.
5. I’m not keen on flying but I love trains. I once travelled overland by train and boat to Morocco.
A few years ago I got the train to Barcelona, and read the whole of Gone Girl on that journey in one sitting. It was before The Girl on the Train came out, alas, because that would have made for a better anecdote.

The Woman Who Came Back to Life is available now.
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