It’s been a very strange and disturbing year one way or another with the terrible Corona pandemic sweeping across the world but I’ve been luckier than some because I work from home so it hasn’t interrupted my life style too badly. I really feel for the people who are unable to go to their jobs and who are unable to work from home, and the children of course, who missed so much schooling. I know the virus has caused mental health issues and financial problems for many and my heart goes out to them. Especially those who have lost loved ones.

The Winter Promise
The worst thing for me when we were all in full lockdown was being separated from my family! We did face time etc but it’s hardly the same as being able to give my little grandchildren a big kiss and cuddle, and I missed them terribly. I also missed being able to go to our second home at the coast and lovely strolls along the beach on a quiet evening with our dogs.
I think if anything I wrote even more than I normally do during this time to keep my mind off what was going on in the world because when I’m writing I can’t think of anything but the characters I’m creating, so it’s very therapeutic really. I also spent a lot of time in the garden and luckily, we had the weather for that, although it’s suddenly turned very autumnal! I always love gardening but this year we did a lot of redesigning which kept us nice and busy.
I have been very impressed with my brilliant publishers who have also been forced to work from home rather than travel into the London office. The whole team has risen to the challenge and somehow, they have managed to keep everything moving along, meeting deadlines, although we have had all had to slightly juggle the way some things are done.
Another thing I have missed this year is having all my public events cancelled. Normally at this time of year I am looking forward to doing book signings for the release of my Christmas book. The one in my home town is always particularly special because I get to meet my lovely local readers but sadly this isn’t going to happen this year. I shall also miss my Christmas trip to London and seeing my lovely agent Sheila Crowley, my wonderful editor, Sarah Bauer and my brilliant team at Bonnier.
I think now we are all in the clutch of a second surge of the virus, we are wondering whether we will be able to spend Christmas with our loved ones or whether we will be in lockdown yet again?
Even so, I am trying to stay positive and am still excited about the release of the first of my brand-new Precious Stone Series, The Winter Promise. I would like to wish everyone a healthy, happy Christmas and I hope that the new book will bring a little joy in a dark time to all who read it.
With love
Rosie Goodwin x
The Winter Promise by Rosie Goodwin publishes on 15th October in Hardback and eBook, £12.99 (Zaffre)