About The Book

The Price Of Dormice

The Price Of Dormice

Trying to keep the earthmovers away from a nature reserve and its dormice, Mick, Naomi, Andrea and friends coalesce into an amateur sleuthing force strong enough to challenge endemic corruption in Oxford’s establishment. But just like the dormice, they soon find their lives are on the line. 

The Author

image of author Steve Lunn writer of the price of dormice
Author Steve Lunn

Raised in a pit village in Derbyshire, Steve Lunn now lives in Oxford, where his debut novel, The Price of Dormice, is set. He worked on hill farms and in software design and education, and co-founded Southern England’s first community-owned wind farm. Steve campaigns on environmental issues and actively engages in conservation and re-wilding. He shares his life with artist Imogen Rigden, their extended family, and a young dog.

How The Book Came To Be

Steve explains: “I wanted to explore what might happen if people worked together to challenge deep-rooted corruption in the establishment, and weren’t afraid to stoop as low as the powerful do to achieve their ends.

I hope the story will nudge one or two readers towards their own engagement in activism, perhaps by asking ‘How do they get away with it?’ and ‘How can we stop them?’, as Mick, Naomi, Andrea and friends do here. And that dormice and their friends and relations will benefit.”

What We Thought

A clever and believable novel, laced with a touch of lightheartedness. Set amid tragedy, threats, and accusations the heroes attempt to prove their innocence with the threats ramping up romance blossoms. This is a thoroughley clever and embracing read. Female First.

RELEASE DATE:  28/10/2024    ISBN: 9781835740552     Price: £9.99

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